The High Mountain Meadow Poetry Series presents two featured poets at Wayne Public Library with an open mic to follow. This Series is sponsored by the North Jersey Literary Community…
The High Mountain Meadow Poetry Series presents two featured poets at Wayne Public Library with an open mic to follow. This Series is sponsored by the North Jersey Literary Community…
Great artists are curious by nature. They see an image or an object and they feel compelled to explore other ways they can present it. It's the work of…
Featuring a number of poets including Priscilla Orr, Diane Lockward, Julie Maloney, Elinor Mattern, Michelle Ortega, Jennifer Poteet…
Master Class: The Lyric Poem - Exploring the Sacred is a workshop that will help you to go beyond your own poems, and immerse you in the poems of those masters of the lyric…
On April 14, 2019 from 2 - 4 pm at MONDO, Summit,NJ there will be an afternoon of tea & poetry with poets Priscilla Orr, Catherine Doty and Donna Baier Stein, followed by…
The High Mountain Meadow Poetry Series Presents a reading by Priscilla Orr and…
Priscilla Orr will be part of a group reading on July 17 at the Carriage House in Fanwood, NJ., sharing the stage with her will be…
Priscilla Orr will be one of the three featured readers on April 6 in the First Sunday Poetry Series. The event is at the Hunterdon Art Museum…