The High Mountain Meadow Poetry Series presents two featured poets on September 11, 2022, at 2 pm at Wayne Public Library. Poets Pricilla Orr and Susanna Lee will be the poets reading.
An Open Mic session follows. This Series is sponsored by the North Jersey Literary Community and hosted by Denise La Neve and Paul Nash. This program is supported by the Wayne Public Library and is free and open to the public.
Susanna Lee is a writer from the rural area in northern NJ. An active member of the northern New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania poetry communities, Lee has featured at The Red Wheelbarrow Reading Series and Thursdays Are for Poetry, among others. Her first book of haiku and other poetry, Sunrise Mountain, was published in 2015. The six-volume set of Lee’s collected works, the Cubist Poetry Series published by Rose Mason Press (2021), is available on Amazon. Together, Great Blue Heron, Twisted Carrot, God Laughs, My Husband’s Roses, Snow Balls, and Fluffy Muffins give the reader a cubist view of the poet’s vision: from all sides at once.
Priscilla Orr is the author of Losing the Horizon (1993) and Jugglers & Tides (2013), both from Hannacroix Creek Books. She has published in Southern Poetry Review, Nimrod, The Broken Shore and other journals. She has been awarded fellowships from Yaddo and the NJ State Arts Council. She is a Geraldine R. Dodge poet and Professor Emeritus. Sussex County Community College where she is also the founding director of the Silconas Poetry Center and founding editor of The Stillwater Review.
The Wayne Public Library is a barrier free building and meets all ADA regulations.